Meredith tweak, by iOS developer Luki120, allows you to make your jailbroken iOS device more aesthetic by assisting you in tinting the user interface of iOS applications with a multitude of colors. With the aid of Meredith jailbreak tweak, you can make your iOS device stand out among your circle.
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Meredith tweak includes native apps, third-party apps, and even package managers like Cydia, Zebra, and Installer. Continue reading ahead to know more about this amazing tweak that lets you alter/modify the entire appearance of the app icons and their interface on your jailbroken iPhone/iPad.
Meredith Tweak – How it Works?
After the successful installation of Meredith tweak, you will see a dedicated preferences pane, allowing you to configure the tweak, come up in Settings. Following is a screenshot of the same for you.
As you can see in the screenshot provided above, apart from the activate/deactivate option, you will see three other options viz Stock Apps, Package Managers, and Third-Party Apps.
Stock Apps
Under Stock Apps, you will cover the applications that came by default on your iOS device. You can do the following here:
- Color for the in-app text.
- Selecting a color for the app default tinting.
- Pre-set color settings available as well.
- Purple Velvet
- Monochrome
- Aquarium
- Copper
- Fuchsia
- Mango
- Gold
- Rose
Package Manager Apps
Under here, you can configure the user-interface tinting for Package Manager apps viz Cydia, Zebra, and Installer.
Third-Party Apps
Meredith tweak, as of now, covers the following third-party apps:
- Apollo
- Discord
- Netflix
- Signal
Meredith Jailbreak Tweak – How to make System Wide Color Change?
Apart from the three categories mentioned above, the tweak also has the following three sections that allow you to gain control over the complete color scheme of your jailbroken iPhone/iPad.
System Wide
- Text Color
- Tint Color
- Battery Color
- Scrollbars Color
- Switches Tint Color
Status Bar
- Time Label Color
- Carrier & LTE Color
- Cellular Active Bars
- Cellular Inactive Bars
- WiFi Active Bars
- WiFi Inactive Bars
- Status Bar Glyphs
Curated Palettes
- Purple Velvet
- Frosted Cream
- Monochrome
- Bubblegum
- Aquarium
- Copper
- Fuchsia
- Mango
- Cream
- Teal
- Gold
- Rose
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Install Meredith Tweak on iPhone/iPad (iOS 13- iOS 14.5)
If you desire utilizing the tweak, you require downloading the same for $0.74 from Twickd Repository. Please note that though Cydia, Installer, and Zebra package manager work to install Meredith tweak, the same is not true for Sileo package manager.
Version | 1.6 |
Last Updated | Mar 01, 2021 |
Price | $0.74 |
Compatible iOS Versions | iOS 13.0 to iOS 14.5 |
Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]
Does Meredith work on iOS 12?
Though it is working for some iOS 12 jailbroken users, the same cannot be said as true for all; hence iOS 12 jailbroken users are advised to download the tweak at their own risk.
What if a third-party app is not available on Meredith?
If you wish to get a third-party app added on Meredith, you can raise your concern for the same to the developer on his Discord.
Conclusion – Meredith Tweak to Play with Colors on iPhone/iPad
So, here we are at the conclusion of this post about Meredith tweak. Those of you who are going to download and try the tweak, please let us know about your experience of using the tweak in the comments section provided below. Also, feel free to put forward any kind of questions or queries that you might have regarding the tweak.
Check the following related posts as well:
- Emerald Tweak – Brings Tiny Widgets to Status Bar (iPhone).
- Eneko Tweak – Lets You Set Video as iPhone Wallpaper.