UnC0ver Jailbreak is generating a lot of buzz among the jailbreak community due to the par excellence developer support provided along with it. A few days back UnC0ver Jailbreak V 2.1.1 Production Version was released to the general public after going through several public beta testing phases. Now, the developer has already pushed UnC0ver Jailbreak V 2.2.0 for public testing and is currently going through the Beta 5 stage. The final production version of the same is yet to be released by the developer.
What is new in UnC0ver Jailbreak Version 2.2.0?
The Beta 1 version of the UnC0ver Jailbreak V 2.2.0 was released for public testing with the following changes:
- Install Cydia Substrate if it’s not already installed.
- Validate Cydia Substrate files and reinstall it if the validation fails.
- Fix a bug in switching from Electra without RootFS Restore.
- Clean up the kernel data structure patches to improve the performance and the security.
- Remove Substitute support files in the file system.
- Remove Substitute support links in the file system.
- Uninstall Electra’s Cydia Upgrade Helper if it is present.
- Improve preference management.
- Switch to a more efficient versioning system.
- Use a new implementation of the system’s lib-archive to extract the bootstrap to increase the performance.
- Update r sync to increase the performance and the stability of RootFS Restore
- Improve memory management.
- Re-Extract bootstrap if it was extracted on a different iOS version.
- Credit Saurik in the credits view for Cydia and Substrate.
- Avoid writing to the disk when not necessary.
- Add a verbose log window for the jailbreak.
- Make the exploits slightly faster.
- Make the jailbreak significantly faster and more performing.
- Jailbreak itself now takes almost less than a second run (Exploit not included).
- Fix a bug in initializing QiLin by removing QiLin.
As you can see the Substitute support is removed from this version in order to enable users to take complete advantage of the new Cydia Substrate and enjoy an improved performance on their jailbroken devices.
In order to get information on complete changes and enhancements done on UnC0ver Jailbreak V 2.2.0 till Beta 5 public testing version, please click here.
How to Jailbreak using UnC0ver V 2.2.0 [STEPS]
If you wish to jailbreak using UnC0ver 2.2.0 then please download the IPA file of the latest UnC0ver version from here. You require sideloading the same onto your iOS device. If you are unaware of the sideloading process, please check our post for the same from here. After sideloading, simply click on the UnC0ver icon from the home screen of your iOS device and tap on ‘Jailbreak.’ If you are using the latest iPhone XS Max, iPhone XS, or iPhone XR, you will require the new version of Cydia Impactor to side load the IPA file of UnC0ver Jailbreak V 2.2.0.
Please note that if you are already using the prior version of UnC0ver, then instead of ‘Jailbreak‘ you will see a button captioned as ‘Re-jailbreak.’ You don’t require following any special steps to update to the latest version of UnC0ver. Let us know about your experience of using the latest version of UnC0ver Jailbreak in the comments section provided below.
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