[How to] Update Cydia Safely with Cydia Update Helper [Guide]

[How to] update Cydia safely with Cydia Update Helper [Guide]

One fascinating Android features are the various application stores, which incorporate Google Play, the Amazon’s Appstore and Samsung’s application store. Be that as it may, did you know the iPhone or iPad has numerous application stores? Cydia is the most mainstream other option to the App Store, and like all outsider application stores for iOS, it is accessible for jailbroken devices.

Cydia Update Helper to Fix Cydia Issues

Cydia is an application enabling users to download various apps on a jailbroken iPhone or iPad. By utilizing Cydia, the user can look for applications online in the Cydia Store. The greater part of the applications found in repositories can be downloaded at free of cost, while the majority of those in the Cydia Store is available to be purchased. On Cydia Store, you will find huge numbers of the applications that couldn’t go through the app approval procedure of the Apple’s official App Store.  Most of the people jailbreak the iPhone/iPad device in order to install tweaks, themes, widgets, and other apps.

Are you exiting for new Cydia update and want to update Cydia safely facing any problem? Well, you have come to the right place. Here in this post, we are going to show you how you can update the Cydia app safely by using Cydia Update Helper, Also read: Cydia Tweaks Not Showing up in Settings after Updating to iOS 11 – 11.3.1.


About Cydia’s latest update: Cydia Update Helper

The latest Cydia build from Coolstar brings loads of new changes and things that you will definitely love. Basically, the team of Electra releases two system updates including Cydia GUI and Cydia compatibility package. The one system update refers to the user interface and another refers to the compatibility.

As indicated by Coolstar, this refresh readies your jailbroken iPhone/iPad device for the Sileo. Don’t know what is Sileo? Well, Sileo is the upcoming package that is developed by Electra. The major purpose of Sileo is to replace the ordinary Cydia store from jailbroken iPhone and iPad devices.

For the individuals who don’t have the foggiest idea, Sileo is a forthcoming bundle supervisor by Electra Team that expects to supplant Cydia. Installing Sileo on your jailbreak iPhone/iPad device is not compulsory. One can opt out for Sileo by ignoring the updates. Though, the message – “Upgrade Essential” will continuously pop up on your device. If you want to disable the update then, one can do it by adding the Electra iOS utility source: http://electrarepo64.coolstar.org on the host file. You can enable the updates again by removing the source from the host file.

Must read:

How to Download and Install Cydia Update Helper? [Steps]

  • First of all, one has to open the Cydia app on the jailbroken iPhone/iPad device and ignore the update message.
  • Once the Cydia app is open, tap on the “Sources” tab and ht on the “Refresh”.
  • After that, go to the “Search” tab and type “Cydia Update helper in the text field.
  • Choose the first result from the result list and hit on the “Install” button. Tap on the “Confirm” button to confirm and start the installation process.
How to download and install Cydia Update Helper -Step 4
Tap on Install
  • Once the installation process successfully completed, close the Cydia app. Now, you will find the CydiaUpdateHelper icon on your home screen.
How to download and install Cydia Update Helper -Step 5
Cydia Update Helper Installed
  • Open the Cydia Update Helper by tapping on its app icon. Cydia Update Helper interface will appear, hit on the “Update Cydia” button to start the updating process.
  • One has to wait for a couple of seconds until the installation process completes. Once the installation process completes, tap on the “Exit”.

After the Cydia is successfully updated, you can uninstall the Cydia Update Helper. It is not possible to directly uninstall the app from the Home screen. One has to remove the Cydia Update Helper from the Cydia. Follow the below steps to uninstall Cydia Update Helper app.

  •  Open the Cydia app and go to the “Installed” tab.
  •  Scroll down and choose Cydia Update Helper app.
  •  Tap on the ‘Modify” that is placed at top-right and hit on “Remove” button.
  •  Once the uninstall process completed, tap on the “Return to Cydia”.
    Cydia Update Helper Update from CoolStar
    Cydia Update Helper Update from CoolStar

Conclusion: Update Cydia Safely v1.1.30 with Cydia Update Helper

So, this is the guide on how you can update Cydia safely using Cydia update helper. Hope, you have understood how one can easily update the Cydia app with Cydia update helper. If you still have any query or suggestion, feel free to shoot it down on the comment section. So, the usual updates are still remained the same in Cydia after fixing this broken Cydia fixing with the latest Cydia update helper.

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