[News] Remount iOS 12 To Be Released Soon | iOS 12-12.1.2 Jailbreak with Cydia

RootlessJB 3.0/3.1 for iOS 12.0-12.1.2

The developer @Lakr233 has announced on Twitter that remount of iOS 12 is successful and the same will be released in the public domain soon. Most of the jailbreak enthusiasts were confused with the word ‘Read-Only’ in the tweet made by the developer. However, this doesn’t mean that there are no writing capabilities in the remount. Earlier, the bypass for remounting the root file system revolved around renaming the snapshot Apple had created. In the present, Apple has made it impossible for the root file system to be renamed. However, @Lakr233 and his team mates reverse-engineered this new check, worked around it and gained the ability to rename the snapshot, bypassing the root file system, and proceeding with remounting it.

Remount for iOS 12 to be released in the public domain soon.

Developer GeoSn0w released OsirisJailbreak12 for iOS 12-12.1.2. Click here for more information.

This remount iOS 12 has further ignited the hopes of the jailbreak community who are eagerly waiting for a completely functional iOS 12-12.1.2 jailbreak. With the remount iOS 12 coming in picture, most of the developers have come forward stating that with the aid and assistance of the remount iOS 12, a normal jailbreak with Cydia can be made.


Is a Normal Jailbreak for iOS 12-12.1.2 Possible with Remount iOS 12?

According to developer @Jakeashacks tweet, with a remount iOS 12 coming up, a normal jailbreak with Cydia can be made. The only issue would be CoreTrust. CoreTrust basically requires the binaries to have a CMS Signature BLOB and a valid one at that. In simpler terms, a developer trying to develop a normal jailbreak for iOS 12 with the remount will require signing each binary in the bootstrap with an actual Apple ID, which is understandably tough.

Developer @Jakeashacks was quick to add that he can use the same technique he used in his rootlessJB for iOS 12-12.1.2 through which he wouldn’t need patching anymore, but it would still need resigning and injecting to the trust cache. Certain developers are also suggesting ways to bypass CoreTrust so that it doesn’t remain an issue anymore. However, it is harder to workaround the same in A12 iOS devices.

When can we expect a normal jailbreak for iOS 12-12.1.2 with Cydia?

It is difficult to answer this question as of now. However, the jailbreak community is active on Reddit and suggesting ways to bypass the CoreTrust in the remount iOS 12. If you want to go through the Reddit story please click here. Altogether, the time is bright for the jailbreak enthusiasts as, almost, every day one step is taken forward towards the development of a complete jailbreak tool for iOS 12-12.1.2. Stay tuned with us for more updates. We will love to hear in the comments section your views about the possibility of a normal iOS 12-12.1.2 jailbreak with Cydia coming up soon.

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