FloatingDockPlus (UPDATED) – Vertical Splitview Like Android for Multi Tasking


You must have seen one of your friends using Split View on their Android smartphones that aligns two windows on their smartphone’s screen enabling the users to work on both of them simultaneously. As an iOS user, you must have desired to have the same feature on your iPhone as well. Taking into account a lot of similar requests, Reddit developer imkpatil, who has previously worked on the FloatingDockPlus for iOS, brought the feature, in the form of an update, to FloatingDockPlus enabling a vertical split view like Android for multitasking on iPhone.

FloatingDockPlus Tweak on iPhone X Android Like Splitview

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Please note that if you wish to receive updates for FloatingDockPlus without the split screen, then you can simply toggle off Split View in Settings. Moreover, if you are facing crashing issues on your iPhone model, then please convey the same to the developer on the Reddit page. Since the developer is using his own logic to calculate the window size, it is common for the tweak to not work on some iPhone models. However, the developer has promised to fix the issue in the next version of the tweak, otherwise, you can place a request for refund with the developer.


Download FloatingDockPlus – Get a Vertical Splitview on iPhone for Multitasking

If you are thinking that this tweak is same as Myriad, then think again. FloatingDockPlus is exceedingly stable than Myriad and it can even hide app for multitasking; however you cannot play video like PIP on FloatingDock, but you can do the same on Myriad. Also, due to the forced rotation on launch, the FloatingDock might mess up games like Clash of Clans. The developer has taken due note of the same and promised to fix it in the next update. He will add an option to disable forced rotation on launch, which means landscape apps and games will launch in a landscape mode.


Do read: Download Spotify++ on iOS(iPhone/iPad) No Jailbreak (Premium Music).

The coolest feature of FloatingDockPlus is that you can make it transparent in the tweak settings. Moreover, the developer of Zenith is working on adding Zenith support to the tweak. If you wish to download the tweak, you can do so from the repo https://repo.packix.com/package/com.imkpatil.floatingdockplus at a price of mere $1.50.

Final Words – FloatingDockPlus for iPhone

That was all regarding the FloatingDock tweak. In case you have any questions to ask or face any issues while installing or using the tweak, please drop down the same in the comments section provided below.

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