[Update] Backup Your Tweaks Before Switching to UnC0ver from Electra Jailbreak


UnC0ver Jailbreak, a perfect successor to Electra Jailbreak is finally out for iPhone/iPad running on iOS 11-11.4. Users have reported better performance and much more safety and stability in UnC0ver Jailbreak as compared to Electra Jailbreak. If you wish to switch from Electra Jailbreak to UnC0ver Jailbreak then you can check out our guide for the same. We have detailed everything for you in the post. However, please note that UnC0ver Jailbreak will utilize Rollectra, in the beginning, to reset all settings from your iOS device to stock. Hence, it will be ideal if you backup your tweaks before switching to UnC0ver from Electra Jailbreak. In this post, we are going to share with you the methods for the same.


Pangu Team has successfully jailbroken iOS 12 on an iPhone XS. Navigate here for more information.

However, before you move ahead, please note that UnC0ver doesn’t delete User Data such as apps, music, tweak preferences and basically anything which resides inside /User/. Hence, you need not worry about the same and concentrate only on taking the backup of your tweaks so that you don’t have to install all of them once again post switching to UnC0ver Jailbreak.


Backup Your Tweaks Before Switching to UnC0ver Jailbreak

Method 1: Backup Tweaks Using Flashback

  • You can download and install Flashback on your iOS device from here.
  • With the aid and assistance of Flashback, you can backup your current setup and package it as a Deb file and set your currently installed tweaks and dependencies.
  • Post switching over to UnC0ver Jailbreak, you can reinstall the Deb file and get all your tweaks back.
  • Please note that if you are unable to find Flashback post installing it you require going into the terminal and type in su and your root password. Thereafter type ‘FlashBack’ without the single quotation marks.

Method 2: Backup Tweaks Using BackupAZ3

  • BackupAZ3 allows you to create a backup and restore even after the RootFS file is restored.
  • You can download and install BackupAZ3 from here.
  • With BackupAZ3 you can backup and restore installed Cydia Packages, Deb file of your installed tweaks, Cydia sources, Tweaks & Apple Application Preferences, and even Accounts.

Security researchers have successfully demoed untethered jailbreak for iOS 12. Read more here.

Save Installed Tweaks from Electra Jailbreak & Reinstall in UnC0ver Jailbreak

These were the two methods through which you can backup installed tweaks from Electra Jailbreak before switching over to UnC0ver Jailbreak. Please note that Backup AZ3 is a paid application which FlashBack is a free one. If you are facing any kind of issues while backing up your tweaks, please let us know about the same in the comments section provided below.

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