Apple Released iOS 12.1.4 by Fixing FaceTime Bug (Download iOS 12.1.4)

FaceTime Eavesdropping Bug Discovered

Lately, Apple had taken down the Group FaceTime feature due to the discovery of a spy bug in it. The bug allowed the FaceTime caller to listen to the conversation on the other side even if the user on the other end doesn’t pick up the call. Good news is that Apple has released iOS 12.1.4 with the critical FaceTime bug patch fix for iPhone/iPad devices. You can now download iOS 12.1.4 IPSW links and OTA update on your iOS device. Please note that in iOS 12.1.3 and below versions, Group FaceTime will no longer remain functional. Therefore, if you want to use Group FaceTime, you require updating your iOS version to 12.1.4.

Critical FaceTime Eavesdropping Issue Fixed in iOS 12.1.4

Developer GeoSn0w has released GeoFilza, the Filza replacement for iOS 12-12.1.2. Click here for more information.

All the Apple users applauded the manufacturer when the Group FaceTime feature was introduced as it allowed users to include up to 32 participants in a single FaceTime call. However, the eavesdropping bug, when discovered, brought in a huge embarrassment for Apple who had to immediately disable the Group FaceTime feature.


Download iOS 12.1.4 on iPhone/iPad (FaceTime Bug Fixed)

However, the quick response of Apple towards the bug was praised by iOS users. Now, within just a few days of the discovery of the bug, Apple has released iOS 12.1.4 with the critical eavesdropping FaceTime bug fixed. This, definitely, conveys that Apple is serious regarding the security of the iOS operating system and takes care of the issues when arisen, immediately.

Do check: CarrierChanger12 for iOS 12 to iOS 12.1.2 (Latest Update Download).

If you wish to download the latest iOS 12.1.4 update on compatible iPhone/iPad, then you require heading over to Settings -> General -> Software Update and download the same as an OTA update. As far as changes and inclusions are concerned, nothing new is present in iOS 12.1.4 apart from the Group FaceTime fix.

iOS 12.1.4 With Critical Eavesdropping Group FaceTime Bug Fixed [Release]

Please check out the Group FaceTime feature in the latest iOS 12.1.4 operating system and let us know in the comments section provided below about the fix for the critical Group FaceTime eavesdropping bug. In order to test the fix, you require calling one of your contacts and thereafter add your own number to convert the call to Group FaceTime call. Check out whether you can hear the audio on the other side or not even if your contact doesn’t lift the FaceTime call.

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