Caim Tweak – iOS 14 App’s Pinning Feature on iOS 13

Bring iOS 14 Native Messages App Conversation Pinning Feature on Jailbroken iPhone/iPad (iOS 13-13.6) with Caim Tweak

If you follow the updates on iOS 14, you must know that the Messages app in iOS 14 will have a thread pinning feature. With the aid of this feature, you can now pin essential conversations at the top of the list in the messages app. Undoubtedly, this will make the usage of the messages app much more convenient. However, if you are a jailbroken user you won’t wish to update to iOS 14 as you will lose your jailbroken status. So, you are missing on the thread pinning feature. Here is where the Caim Tweak comes into play.

iOS 14 Messages App Conversation Pinning Feature on iOS 13

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Caim Tweak, developed by Reddit user nicho1asdev, works on both iPhone and iPad. By installing this tweak, jailbroken users can get the Messages App pinning feature of iOS 14 on their iPhone/iPad running on iOS 13. Hence, until the jailbreak for iOS 14 is out, there is no need to update to iOS 14 to acquire the thread pinning feature and lose the jailbreak status in the process.


Is Caim Tweak worth installing?

Of course, before going for the tweak, you will like to know whether its really worth installing the Caim Tweak. Addressing your concerns, we will like to say that this tweak is as close to the native iOS 14 Messages app conversation pinning feature as possible. It is next to impossible, both in looks and feel, to spot the difference whether you are using a jailbreak tweak on iOS 13 or actually using the feature on iOS 14. The coolest part here is that the tweak works with Dark Mode as well.


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How to Install Caim Tweak on iOS 13 [iPhone/iPad]?

Before you move ahead with the installation you must know that the tweak will cost you $1.29. For your knowledge, the tweak is compatible with iPhone/iPad running on iOS 13 up to iOS 13.6.

Caim Tweak App Info:

Version 1.1
Updated Jul 02, 2020
Price $1.29
iOS Version(s) 13.0 – 13.6
    Following are the steps to install the tweak on your iOS 13 jailbroken iPhone/iPad.
  • Launch Cydia package manager on your jailbroken iOS device.
  • Navigate to Sources > Edit and Add the official Caim Repo.
  • From the Search tab, look out for Caim.
  • Hit the Install button to get the tweak on your jailbroken iPhone/iPad.


Please note that if you face any issue with Caim, you can install PinHeads tweak that provides the same functionality.

How to use Caim Tweak on iPhone/iPad?

Following are the two ways that you can utilize to pin the conversation.

  • Hit the three dots icon present on the top-right corner of the screen. Tap on the Pin option.
  • Simply swipe the conversation that you want to pin and tap on the Pin button.


Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs] – Caim Tweak

Can we rearrange the pinned conversations?

Yes! You can rearrange the pinned conversations by going into Edit Pins mode. Thereafter, simply drag and drop to rearrange the pins.

How many conversations can we pin with Caim tweak?

This is the primary advantage of this tweak. The native iOS 14 conversation pinning feature will allow you to pin merely 9 conversations at the top of the list. However, with Caim tweak, you can pin as many conversations as you want at the top of the conversation list.

Can we use Caim tweak in landscape mode?

Yes! Caim tweak works in landscape mode and all other layouts that the Messages app accounts for.

Does Caim tweak works with group conversations?

Yes! The tweak works with single as well as group conversations.

Verdict – Bring Messages App Conversation Pinning Feature to iOS 13

The Caim Tweak is undoubtedly the best option for the jailbroken users to bring the iOS 14 Messages app conversation pinning feature on iOS 13 jailbroken iPhone/iPad. Go ahead and install the tweak. Let us know in the comments section provided below if you face any issues while downloading the tweak.

Check the following interesting tweaks as well:

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