GeoSn0w Releases OsirisJailbreak12 for iOS 12-12.1.2 (Update)

iOS 12-12.1.1 Jailbreak Demoed by @S0rryMybad on iPhone X | PoC Released

We can, undoubtedly, say that currently, it is the golden period going on for the jailbreak community. @tihmstar released the tfp0 exploit for iOS 11.4-11.4.1, which is extremely critical for developing a working jailbreak for iOS 11.4-11.4.1. @pwn20wnd was quick to state that he will be using the exploit to develop UnC0ver Jailbreak for iOS 11.4-11.4.1. Coolstar, the developer of Electra Jailbreak, went ahead of UnC0ver and released Electra Jailbreak for iOS 11.4.x using tfp0 exploit, a few days earlier than UnC0ver. Now, @GeoSn0w has made an announcement that he will be releasing OsirisJailbreak12, a developer-only jailbreak, for iOS 12.0-12.1.2 shortly.

OsirisJailbreak12 for iOS 12-12.1.2 (Developer Only Jailbreak)

Before you get excited about the news, it is important to clear a few things. The jailbreak, termed as OsirisJailbreak12, is largely a developer-only release. This means that the jailbreak is not meant to be used by the general public as it is not complete yet. Therefore, it can cause a plenitude of issues which only developers are expert enough to deal with.


OsirisJailbreak12 – Developer Only Jailbreak for iOS 12.0-12.1.2

As per @GeoSn0w there exists no remount and no Core Trust bypass in the jailbreak. However, it does gets root, escapes the sandbox and re-springs. A developer is free to build and develop over the current build. You might have a lot of questions in mind but as of now they might be difficult to answer. Currently the OsirisJailbreak12 only writes one single empty file to a previously inaccessible directory on the device for “testing purposes” proving that it does have root access.

When can we expect iOS 12-12.1.2 Jailbreak for the public?

The release of the OsirisJailbreak12 has, definitely, raised hopes for an iOS 12 jailbreak to come out soon for the public. We can hope that somebody picks up this unfinished jailbreak, completes it, and makes it fit for the general public. You can grab the IPA file of the OsirisJailbreak12 from @GeoSn0w GitHub’s page. If you are interested in working on the project please tap here.

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