nullxImpactor – Cydia Impactor Alternative for Sideloading Apps

Use AltSigner – Cydia Impactor Alternative for Windows to Sign IPA Files

Are you looking for a Cydia Impactor alternative on iOS 13? Cydia Impactor is an extremely useful tool that lets you to sideload iOS apps on iPhone/iPad via their IPA files. However, taking into account the latest iOS versions, Cydia Impactor is stuck in several issues and Saurik hasn’t revealed the exact timeline for the fix. Therefore, users are forced to look for Cydia Impactor alternatives. In this post, we are going to talk about one such Cydia Impactor alternative for macOS that goes by the name of nullxImpactor.

Install nullxImpactor – A Cydia Impactor Alternative for macOS

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Developer @nullx has utilized the code of AltServer by @rileytestut to develop nullxImpactor. As of now, this Cydia Impactor alternative is available for macOS only. The developer is working on bringing a version soon for Windows as well as Linux. However, if you don’t possess a macOS device, you can go for AltServerPatcher – a Cydia Impactor alternative for Windows/Linux developed by @invoxiplaygames. Alternatively, you can also go for AltDeploy – another Cydia Impactor alternative for macOS developed by @pixelomer. Both these Cydia Impactor alternatives for based on @rileytestut AltStore only.


How nullxImpactor Works?

Using nullxImpactor you can sideload IPA files to your iPhone/iPad running on iOS 10, 11, iOS 12, and iOS 13. However, it has to be made sure that the IPA file is hosted on a website. Similar to Cydia Impactor, nullxImpactor also requires you to provide an Apple ID along with its password for signing the IPA. Using this Cydia Impactor alternative for macOS, you can sideload third-party iOS apps and jailbreak tools like Electra, UnC0ver, Chimera, and Checkra1n.

Though all applications loaded through nullxImpactor are revoke free, the limitations of a free Apple Developer ID does hold. With a free Apple Developer ID, you can sign only 3 apps per device and the certificate generated will be valid for 7 days only. Post 7 days you have to again sign the IPA file to continue using the installed application. Similar to AltDeploy, nullxImpactor also installs an add-on for the Mail App. This add-on must be enabled and the Mail App must be kept open during the IPA sideloading process for the tool to work.

What’s new in nullxImpactor?

Apart from the standard functionality, nullxImpactor allows you to revoke all certificates and provisioning profiles at once through a single-button click. You can also get all app IDs through this tool. Once you exceed the limit of 3 apps per device on a free Apple Developer ID, you can simply revoke the certificates of the existing installed applications and thereafter sideload a new application, which you might require at that moment.


How to use nullxImpactor?

  • As a first, please download nullxImpactor ZIP file on macOS from here.
  • Extract the contents of the ZIP file and open the nullxImpactor application.
  • Launch Mail App and navigate to Preferences > General > Manage Plug-ins.
  • Please activate the AltPlugin.mailbundle and restart the Mail application.


  • Next, please connect your iPhone/iPad via USB.
  • Enter the web URL of the IPA file.
  • For certificate and bundle ID, you can enter your own values as well.
  • Hit the ‘Install’ button.
  • Next, please enter your Apple ID credentials. We recommend creating a new Apple ID specifically for this purpose.


  • Once the sideloading process is complete, please navigate to Settings > General > Profiles & Device Management and trust the profile of the sideloaded application.
  • That’ it! You can launch the sideloaded application now.

Final Words – Cydia Impactor Alternative for macOS

That was all regarding nullxImpactor – Cydia Impactor alternative for macOS. If you have any questions in mind, please let us know about the same in the comments section provided below. We will provide the required answers on a priority basis.

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