5 Main Risks of Jailbreaking Your iPhone

Risks of Jailbreaking iPhone
Risks of Jailbreaking iPhone

Every new generation of the iPhone brings the inevitable buzz around the concept of jailbreaking. Every smartphone comes with implemented restrictions guiding what you can and cannot do. A lot of people want to have more customization and options, which jailbreaking the phone will allow. But is the risk worth the reward?.

Risks of Jailbreaking iPhone
Risks of Jailbreaking iPhone

When you decide to jailbreak your new iPhone, it may seem like a no brainier. Why wouldn’t you want to allow for more freedom on your fancy new phone? The problem lies in the fact that a lot of these restrictions are there for the security of the device. If you start changing stuff that isn’t supposed to be changed, you may be asking for trouble.


1.  You Are Vulnerable to Malware

While Apple aims for tight security on its devices, jailbreaking your iPhone can compromise it. One of the main reasons for jailbreaking is to install different apps that otherwise wouldn’t be usable. It means you are forgoing regular security measures before allowing root access on your device.

A lot of apps are most likely going to cause you no issues, but there is always the risk of installing malware along with them. If you install malware, it can very quickly gain root access and cause all kinds of problems. It can range from odd functions to having your iPhone made completely useless.

2.  No One Likes Bugs

Any device with an operating system and software deals with bugs in one form or another. Bugs can range from simple visual glitches to major functional problems. Most of the time, you never know about them. That is because the manufacturers consistently monitor the operating systems and release updates to fix things.

If you jailbreak your iPhone, you leave yourself wide open to all kinds of bugs and oddities. There is no way to predict what bugs may crop up, but some have been known to keep phones from working at all. You won’t have regular updates that can fix these issues, and it could cause some major headaches.

Also, check out: How to Change IMEI Number on iPhone Without Jailbreak, this particular guide was prepared by our top iOS reviewer in our blog, we sure that you all gonna love this guide.

3.  Goodbye Warranty

This is going to be a big deal for a lot of iPhone users, especially those with the more expensive models. The moment you jailbreak your iPhone, your warranty is void. Apple will no longer have any liability to do any repairs or warranty related work to your device. And that can get pretty expensive.

Even if there has been some form of recall, you are not going to be protected anymore. Keep this in mind before making any decisions on jailbreaking. If something goes wrong, you will be on your own to get the problem solved. It can be as expensive as getting a new phone if you are not careful.

4.  Your Personal Information is at Risk

Data theft is the biggest crime in the cyber world. Your personal information is worth a lot to certain people and companies. Data falling into the wrong hands can be dangerous. Downloading and installing unknown apps may bring data tracking and theft along for the ride, even if you are using a VPN to protect your privacy.

All it takes is one piece of malware to infect your device. It could compromise your entire phone. Seeing as a lot of people keep emails, passwords, and even banking information on their phones, it could lead to some troubling situations.

5.  They Can Spread Problems

Your jailbroken iPhone may not cause problems only for you if it gets compromised. Companies are now sweeping their networks and blocking any jailbroken devices that they find. It is because of the vulnerability that these devices create once they catch malware. It is going to be more and more challenging to use a jailbroken iPhone on most networks.

Jailbreaking iOS Isn’t Always Worth It

Every year that goes by, there will be fewer and fewer reasons to want to jailbreak an iPhone. Apple continuously releases updates that give more customization and options to the end-user.

The risk is starting to outpace the reward in this sector, and the gap is going to continue to grow. If you want some more freedom on your Apple device, your best tool is some patience. Or you can always switch to Android.

Also, check out these guides which are must read for all iOS device owners.

Thank You.

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