InstaNotAStalker – Stalking on Instagram Safely [FREE]

instagram ++ iOS

Often it happens that while browsing through Instagram profiles, you accidentally like a photograph of your ex, crush, or of any other person who can think of you as somebody who is stalking their respective profiles. How cool it will be if upon double-tapping a picture, Instagram actually displays an alert asking whether you really want to like the photograph or not. Reddit developer YoelkiToelki has released a tweak InstaNotAStalker that does exactly the same.

InstaNotAStalker – Display Alert when Liking a Photo on Instagram | Stalk Instagram Safely

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With InstaNotAStalker tweak you can browse anybody’s Instagram profile safely without running the risk of mistakenly liking a photograph. The coolest part here is that InstaNotAStalker tweak is free to download, install, and use.


InstaNotAStalker Free Download on iOS | Features

You know that liking a photograph on Instagram can be done in two ways; either double-tapping or hitting the heart icon. InstaNotAStalker Tweak can be set up to display alert when double-tapping post and/or pressing icon. Moreover, it is not a hard and fast rule that an alert has to be displayed all the time. You can choose to keep the alert ON always or only when a post is a day/week/month/year old. All you need to do is go to the dedicated Settings pane for the tweak and choose the desired options.


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You can easily download the tweak for free from Cydia or other jailbreak package managers like Sileo or Zebra. The tweak is open source and is available in GitHub. Following are the repo and the GitHub links for your usage.

InstaNotAStalker Tweak – Upcoming Features

Following are the two primary features on which the developer is currently working on and plans to bring in with the next update.

  • Displaying a ‘Confirm to Follow’ alert upon tapping the Follow button.
  • Specifying a number for the day like 2, 3, 4, or 5.

So, have you downloaded InstaNotAStalker yet? Let us know in the comments section provided below how you feel about this tweak.

Check out some more interesting tweaks:

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